Author: Francesco Trocchia
Instagram’s tricky features: how to use them without penalizing your content
Have you ever felt like using certain Instagram tools might penalize your content? Don’t worry, you’re not losing it… you might actually be on the right track! Because yes, it looks like Mosseri and everyone at Instagram just love messing with us by offering features that end up being double-edged swords instead of helpful tools!…
How to use Instagram stories: the ultimate guide to best practices in 2024
Our guide to mastering Instagram Stories in 2024 begins with a bold in our opinion front and center. Why? Simple: there’s no magic formula that works for everyone. While there are plenty of effective strategies out there, we at NJL encourage you to roll up your sleeves and run some tests to find out what truly works…
Becoming a freelancer: the journey of Gennaro Tello
If you work in social media management or digital marketing and you’re looking for some inspiration on how to handle constant changes, Gennaro Tello’s story has something to teach you. In our universe, nothing’s certain. Strategies that worked yesterday might already be falling short today. A popular platform can vanish into thin air in no…
A wonderful story: the Help Me Rose case study
“Ugh, social media is just full of cxxp!” If you’ve heard this phrase a trillion times and it’s always sounded a bit empty to you, then this article is for you. And if you actually believe that those who say this know what they’re talking about – stick around: you might be surprised. At first…